[413INSTV-571] Bringing Home a Girl from the Bar! Creampie with a Demanding, Slutty Former Idol - Yuri, 26 Years Old

ガールズバーで持ち帰り!Mカップ やらかし系元グラドルのおねだり痴女枕営業ハメ撮り ユリ26歳


ID:413INSTV-571 ID(DVD):413INSTV-571
Studio: いんすた Label: いんすた
I love going to girls' bars and having fun with girls, but what's even better is hooking up with them. My favorite bar is a "minefield" themed girls' bar, where girls with all sorts of backgrounds work. It's a fun place where you can hear all sorts of juicy gossip and dirty jokes. One day, I met a busty ex-idol girl there. Yuri, 26 years old, M-cup. She claims to have a strong sex drive and says she used her impressive M-cup breasts to her advantage, partying with multiple handsome actors and K-pop idols during her active years. However, she suddenly got caught in a scandal after her late-night sex escapades were leaked on social media, leading to her being fired from her agency and forced to retire. To survive in the cutthroat entertainment industry, she's now working as a hostess at the bar, using her body to climb the ranks and satisfy her own desires while asking for extra cash. As I listened to her story, Yuri invited me out of the bar, saying, "What about you, big brother? How about we go to a hotel?" I couldn't pass up the chance to have sex with a former idol... so I set up a camera. Her breasts, so big they were impossible to support with one hand, swayed as she pleased countless men with her pussy and tit jobs. It was incredible! I definitely want you all to see this!
ガールズバーで女の子と楽しく飲む事が大好きなのですがそれ以上にワンチャン繋がれるのも醍醐味なんですよね。私の行きつけの店は地雷系ガールズバーというコンセプトなのですが、そこには様々な経歴の女が在籍していて下ネタは勿論、業界ゴシップまで飛び交ってとても楽しい空間。そんな中元グラドルだったという爆乳女に出会った。・ユリ 26歳 Mカップ性欲が強いと自称する彼女は自慢のMカップを武器に現役時代複数のイケメン俳優やK-POP系アイドル等と遊びまくる毎日だったそう。そんな中突然SNSで夜な夜なSEX三昧とリークされ炎上。そのまま事務所は解雇され引退となり今に至るという。競争率の激しい芸能界で生きてきた彼女は店でトップを狙う為身体も使い、そのついでに自身の性欲を発散するべくお小遣いをおねだりしながら枕営業もしているのだとか。そんな話を聞いているとユリさんから「お兄さんも店外どうですか?」との誘いを受けた私は待ち合わせてホテルへと向かう。元グラドルとSEXなんてなかなかない…。せっかくだしカメラ回しておきました。片手では支えきれない見たこともない程大きなおっぱいを揺らして数々の男を満足させたパイズリやマンコは最高すぎました。是非とも皆さんにも見てもらいたいです!