[FTKD-016] "Hey, wake up! What are you doing?" I wake up to find my half-naked, busty female coworker straddling me! Could this be a dream come true morning wood? "Let's continue from yesterday..." After hearing her story, it seems I blacked out after being held in her embrace and ended up touching her. My cute coworker woke me up and, with my morning erection still going strong, we had the best morning sex!



Released date:2024-07-25 ID:1ftkd00016 ID(DVD):FTKD-016
Waking up to find my half-naked, busty female coworker straddling me! Turns out, after being held in her embrace, I blacked out and ended up touching her. My cute coworker woke me up and, with my morning erection still going strong, we had the best raw second round!
朝起きるとボクの上にまたがる露わな姿の同僚女子社員。話を聞いていると介抱された後、前後不覚になったボクが手を出してしまったらしい。可愛い女子社員が起こしてくれて朝勃ちチ〇ポのまま最高の生2回戦!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。