[JRZE-196] First Time 50-Year-Old Wife Documentary: Maya Etoh

初撮り五十路妻ドキュメント 江藤まや


Released date:2024-07-04 ID:h_086jrze00196 ID(DVD):JRZE-196
Studio: Center Village Label: 聚楽 Director: 湊谷
Maya Etoh, a 50-year-old woman who runs an izakaya with her husband. She's a mother of two and has been running the establishment for 25 years after taking over from the previous owner. As a busty barkeep, she's been tirelessly working, juggling childbirth, childcare, and housework without ever getting to savor the pleasures of being a woman. Things finally calmed down recently. The shop weathered the COVID-19 crisis, and her children have successfully become independent. However, as soon as she had some breathing room, her body started changing. "My libido has been hard to control these past few years..." A casual look at an erotic video on her smartphone sparked a fire within her, and instead of just feeling aroused daily, her desires have been growing exponentially due to a late-blooming reaction. The busty barkeep, who couldn't be satisfied with her daily electric masturbation anymore, is finally revealing her I-cup breasts for the first time. She's about to unleash all her pent-up desires.
江藤まやさん50歳。ご主人と二人三脚で居酒屋を営む二児の母。先代のオーナーから店を引き継いで25年。ボイン女将として店に立ちながら出産に育児に家事にと女の悦びを味わうことなく突っ走ってきた。ようやく日常が落ち着いてきたのはつい最近。店はコロナ禍の危機を脱しお子さんも無事に独立してひと段落。だが生活に余裕が生まれた途端、肉体に新たな変化が。「ここ数年で性欲が抑えきれなくなってきまして…」何気なくスマホで見たエロ動画がきっかけで毎日ムラムラするどころか遅咲きの反動で欲望はどんどん増していく一方。日課の電マオナニーでは満足できなくなったボイン女将がついにIカップ爆乳を初お披露目。秘めた欲望を全開放する。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『センタービレッジ』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!