[DVEH-040] Brainwashed Cuddles: A Twisted Daily Life of a J-Style Father's Favorite Daughter - Suzu Nagano

なかよし洗脳 お父さん大好きJ系の歪んだ日常 永野鈴


Released date:2024-11-01 ID:dveh00040 ID(DVD):DVEH-040
Studio: Deeps Label: DEEP’S 3号店 Director: 薬丸ムスビ
Obsessed with his love, the father brainwashes his innocent daughter, making her unquestioningly accept sexual acts. When told to "play with my cock," she'll lick his erect penis. When told to "cuddle," she'll accept his thick, bristly pubic hair-covered cock. If friends express concern about their overly close relationship, he'll transfer her schools to keep her isolated. "It's especially great to cuddle in her new school uniform," he says. "Dad, let's cuddle again tomorrow!"
愛し過ぎた故に、純粋無垢な娘を囲い込み、性的行為にも疑問を持たないよう洗脳した父親。娘は「‘おちんちん’しよう」と言われれば父親のチ●ポを舐め、「‘なかよし’しよう」と言われれば、幼くも剛毛なワレメに怒張したチ●ポを受け入れる。仲が良すぎることを訝しがる友達が現れれば転校してでも娘を隔離する。「なにより新しい制服姿で‘なかよし’できることは格別だからね」「お父さん!明日も‘なかよし’しようね!」※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『DEEP’S(ディープス)ストア』はこちら!