[ADN-619] The Woman Who Gets Wet in Front of Her Deceased Husband - Tina Nanami

亡き夫の前で濡らす女 七海ティナ


Released date:2024-11-01 ID:adn00619 ID(DVD):ADN-619
Studio: Attackers Label: 大人のドラマ Director: 天海宇宙
Diagnosed with depression due to stress, I had no motivation and just drowned myself in alcohol, wasting my days away. My friend Sayama, learning of my indolent state, suggested a change of scenery and offered to help me move. Leveraging her experience as a real estate agent, she even found the perfect place for me. With encouragement from my friend, I finally mustered the courage to move. The landlord at my new place turned out to be Reiko, a widow who had recently lost her husband.
ストレスによる鬱と診断された俺は何もやる気が起きず、ただただ酒に溺れ日々をやり過ごしていた。そんな怠惰な状況を知った親友の佐山は環境を変えてみろと引っ越しを提案、不動産屋勤務の強みで今の俺にピッタリな環境の物件まで探し出してくれた。親友に背中を押され、重い腰を上げ引っ越した先の大家は、最近ご主人を亡くしたばかりの麗しの未亡人だった。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『ATTACKERS』はこちら!