[SEVEN-009] Called a Massage at a Business Trip and Ended Up Having Sex with a Beautiful Deaf Older Woman - Kasumi Amamiya

出張先でマッサージを呼んだら耳が聴こえない綺麗なお姉さんが来たので拝み倒したら筆談で最後まで出来た話 天宮かすみ


Released date:2025-01-03 ID:1seven00009 ID(DVD):SEVEN-009
Series: NANA
Studio: NANA Label: NANA Director: よーすけ
This is a slightly bittersweet love story that happened to me at a business trip hotel. I work for a small construction company in Nagano Prefecture, and I go to Yokohama once a month for client receptions. After finally finishing the reception and returning to the hotel, my body felt heavy all of a sudden, so I decided to call for a massage. This place is a mobile massage service I've used a few times during business trips, and I liked their strong kneading style. This time, I didn't make any specific requests and just called for a free therapist. I didn't expect anything special, but after waiting for 15 minutes, the massage therapist who appeared was surprisingly beautiful. I was surprised because it was usually an older woman or an older man who came. Communication with her, who was quiet and a bit reserved, was done through sign language. This was fresh and a little awkward, but it was fun in a game-like way. Of course, her massage skills were excellent. However, it's impossible for any man to not get excited when touched by such a beautiful woman. I couldn't help but give in to my desires and boldly asked the massage therapist for a sensual massage. She smiled and wrote on a board, "This isn't that kind of place." Just as I was about to give up, something happened. Her strong pressure suddenly loosened, and her touch became an indescribable feather-light caress. I entrusted myself completely to her. The warmth of her lips enveloped my tired cock. She straddled me and slowly lowered her hips. Her soft moans and the slight creaking of the bed echoed in the room. Despite the quietness, the sex was so passionate that it was unlike anything I'd experienced before. I couldn't hold back and ejaculated my hot semen deep inside her multiple times.
これは俺が出張先のホテルで経験した、ちょっと甘酸っぱい恋の話。長野県にある小さな建築会社に勤める僕は、月に一度お得意様の接待で横浜に出張に行っている。ようやく接待を終えホテルに戻ると、一気に体が重たくなり、マッサージを呼ぶことにした。この店は出張で来た時に時々呼んでいる出張マッサージで、強揉み系で気に入っていた。この日も特に指名することもなくフリーで呼ぶことにした。特に何も期待せず待つこと15分、部屋に現れたのはちょっとビックリするくらい綺麗なマッサージ師さんだった。いつもおばちゃんか、おじさんが来ていたのでさすがに驚いた。物静かでちょっと控えめな彼女とのコミュニケーションは筆談だった。これがまた新鮮で、ちょっとスムーズにいかないところがゲーム感覚で楽しかった。もちろんマッサージの腕前は確かだった。しかし、こんな美人に体を触られドキドキしない男なんていない。僕も例に漏れず欲望を抑えることができなくなり、思い切ってマッサージ師さんにエッチなマッサージをお願いしてみたが、彼女はボードに「そうゆうお店ではないです」と書いてニッコリ微笑んだ。諦めかけていたその時、事は起きた。彼女の強めの指圧がフッと力が抜け、何とも言えないフェザータッチになった。僕は彼女にすべてを委ねた。暖かい唇の感触が疲れた僕のマラを包み込む。僕に跨りゆっくり腰を落とす彼女。控えめな吐息と、わずかなベッドの軋む音が部屋に響く。静かだけど、これまで経験したこと無いくらい情熱的なセックスに、僕は我慢できずに僕の熱い精子を彼女の奥に何度も吐き出した。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。