[NPJS-119] Since Uber Eats allows for flexible work hours, it's okay to pick up girls, right? I'll pick up a busty delivery girl right there, bring her home, secretly film her, seduce her, sleep with her, and then release the footage as an AV without her consent

〇ー〇ーイーツは自由勤務だから「ナンパしていいんじゃない?」 巨乳配達員をその場でナンパし家に連れ込み盗撮 口説いてハメてそのまま勝手にAV発売。


Released date:2025-01-03 ID:npjs00119 ID(DVD):NPJS-119
Studio: NPJ Label: NPJ
Delivery work has been popular as a way to make some extra cash for a few years now. The system allows for flexible work hours, which is another reason for its popularity, with many college students also taking on the job. Recently, people have been targeting young women who come to the door for deliveries, inviting them in and bringing them home. Keep an eye on the pickup artist's smooth talk as he gradually charms and seduces these wary women, leading them all the way to sex. His go-to line, of course, is, "Today's catch is Mari-chan, with her estimated H-cup bust!"
数年前から小銭稼ぎとして人気な配達員バイト。出勤、退勤が自由というシステムも人気理由の一つでもあり、女子大生なども多く働いている。最近はその退勤が自由というところに目をつけて、玄関に来た若い子を誘い出し家に連れ込むのが流行中とのこと。警戒する女子を次第に和ませ、SEXまで持っていくナンパ師の口説きにも注目。決まり文句は勿論、「今日いただくのは、推定Hカップ爆乳の、まりちゃんです!」※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。