[STARS-933] Office Slut Maki Inui Releases Stress by Secretly Taking Cocks to Death

社畜OLが日々のストレスを発散する方法は、会社には内緒で死ぬほど中出しすることです。 唯井まひろ


Released date:2023-10-17 ID:1stars00933 ID(DVD):STARS-933
Studio: SODクリエイト Label: SOD star Director: 麒麟
It feels so good that you can just let go and release all that stress, right? You work yourself to death every day for your job, don't you? Sometimes you just want to... well, you know what I mean. There's something about getting creampied that sends my head spinning. And not just because it's hot; it's also because I think if I do really well at work, maybe someone will give me that kind of pleasure. Lately, I've been working with this constant ache down there while keeping myself busy!
ストレス発散くらい良いですよね?毎日死ぬほど会社のために働いてるんですよ?もうグチャグチャになりたいんです…。だって…中出しされるときの快感ってホント頭がぶっ飛んだ感じがするっていうか。マジでヤバくて…そのために仕事がんばろって思ってるかもw 最近はずっと膣がウズウズしながら仕事しちゃってます!