[STARS-965] Drunken Kiss Maniac Housewife Cheats at Town Association Year-End Party While Husband Hides

酔うとキス魔になっちゃう若妻と町内会の忘年会で旦那に隠れて何度もベロちゅう不倫。 唯井まひろ


Released date:2023-12-19 ID:1stars00965 ID(DVD):STARS-965
Mahiro Tadai, a young wife who tries not to drink too much because she becomes a kiss maniac when she does, has been avoiding town association gatherings where alcohol is served. However, she decides to attend this year's end party since it's an exception. Despite her refusal, she gives in to the pressure from the mayor and takes a sip... suddenly transforming into a full-on kiss maniac! She targets a young guy who looks like he has a big erection and starts fucking him secretly while hiding from her husband and friends!
酔うとキス魔になってしまうので極力お酒は飲まないようにしていた若妻のまひろ。今まで町内会の飲みの席は全て断っていたが忘年会だけは参加することに。 お酒を勧められても断るまひろだったが町長からの強要に負け飲んでしまい…キス魔に豹変! 若くて勃ちの良さそうな男に狙いを定め旦那やママ友に隠れてヤリまくる!