[JRZE-183] First Time Married Woman Documentary: Yui Kiyokawa

初撮り人妻ドキュメント 吉川純菜


Released date:2024-04-04 ID:h_086jrze00183 ID(DVD):JRZE-183
Actress(es): 吉川純菜
Studio: Center Village Label: 聚楽 Director: 三郷浩太朗
"During childcare, I didn't even have time to get aroused," says 43-year-old Yui Kiyokawa. She's a mother of two, struggling to raise her growing children. Her libido was strong, and during her single days, she juggled multiple relationships, engaging in sex with someone every day. However, after marriage and childbirth, she decided to leave behind her wild lifestyle. For the past ten years, she's dedicated herself to motherhood. But this spring, with her youngest child starting school and having some free time, her libido resurfaced. The pent-up desire was too intense, and even weekly sex with her husband couldn't satisfy it. The good mother is over. Witness the challenge of this forty-something beautiful-legged wife who has decided to live according to her instincts.
「育児中は忙しくてムラムラする暇もありません」吉川純菜さん43歳。育ち盛りのお子さんを抱えて奮闘中の二児の母。性欲が強く独身時代は複数の男性との交際を同時進行。毎日誰かとセックスしている状態だったというが結婚、出産を機にハチャメチャな生活から卒業。この10年はよき母として育児に邁進してきた。だがこの春に下のお子さんが学校にあがり自分の時間ができると性欲が復活。溜め込んできた反動は大きくとても週イチの夫婦生活では鎮めることはできなかった。よき母はもう終わり。本能に従って生きる決意をしたアラフォー美脚妻の挑戦をご覧ください。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『センタービレッジ』はこちら!ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!