[DASS-377] The Beautiful Mother-Daughter Duo, I'm Here to Claim What's Mine. I've Come to See the Woman I Impregnated Decades Ago and Her Daughter. AIKA Momo Shiraishi

美人母娘、イタダキマス。数十年前に孕ませた女とその娘に会いに来ました。 AIKA 白石もも


Released date:2024-04-05 ID:dass00377 ID(DVD):DASS-377
Studio: DAS! Label: ダスッ! Director: 太宰珍歩
AIKA, who was raped decades ago, lost her husband in a tragic accident shortly after, plunging her into despair. She gave birth to her daughter Momo, whom she raised with all her love and care as a single mother. However, the busy mother and her pubescent daughter were living separate lives. One day, the man who raped her years ago spotted them on the street and smirked. Instinctively recognizing the woman he had violated, he tracked down their home... The nightmare reappeared before them. In the midst of despair, a strange family dynamic began to emerge.
数十年前に拷姦された「アイカ」は、その直後に不慮の事故で夫を亡くし、人生ドン底に突き落とされた。恵まれない子「モモ」を出産し、愛しい我が子を女手一つで大事に育ててきた。しかし、忙しい母と思春期の娘はすれ違う日々を送っていた。そんな母娘を街中で見かけニヤリと笑うのは、あの時のレ×プ男。直感で自分が犯した女だと気付き、2人の家を特定し…。再び目の前に現れた悪夢。絶望の中で生まれる、奇妙な家族のカタチ。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。