[START-031] Newbie CA Gets Soaked in Her Boss's Sexual Demands

一人前の客室乗務員になるため生理的に無理なセクハラ上司の性●要に染められていく新人CA 綾瀬天


Released date:2024-04-23 ID:1start00031 ID(DVD):START-031
Actress(es): 綾瀬天
Studio: SODクリエイト Label: SOD star Director: U吉
A young woman named Ami dreams of becoming a flight attendant and finally achieves her goal. However, she catches the eye of Captain Naruse, known for his sexual harassment. One day during a special training session, he manipulates her into having sex with him under false pretenses. Fearful of losing her job, she submits to his demands and becomes his willing plaything. As their encounters become more frequent, she finds herself consumed by pleasure... Note that the recording contents may vary depending on the distribution method.
大きな夢を持ち客室乗務員になった新人の天は、セクハラで悪評高い機長・鳴沢に目をつけられるようになる。ある日特別講習に呼び出されるとミスにつけこまれ性交を●要されてしまう。「言うことを聞いたらフライトを増やしてやる」卑劣なおどしに気弱な天は従うしかなく…キモ機長のいいなりとなり快楽に沈む日々が始まった…※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『SODクリエイトのブランドストア』はこちら!