[SORA-525] PTA President Brainwashing Orgy - Perfect Face & Body But Twisted Personality! Teacher Turns Her Into A Pet

じんかくそうさ洗脳催● 顔とカラダはどストライクだが性格サイテーのPTA会長様をど底辺教師がペットにしてあ~げる編 橘メアリー


Released date:2024-05-04 ID:sora00525 ID(DVD):SORA-525
A powerful figure at a certain school, Married Woman Meari Tachibana has earned her name as PTA chairman. However, she treats teachers harshly, particularly towards Tanaka sensei. Despite this, Tanaka, who values his self-esteem highly, manages to obtain incriminating evidence against her on his smartphone. Although he remains skeptical about its authenticity. The next day, during broad daylight, Tachibana confronts him over their son's phone. She seems to have some issues with it. Recognizing the device, Tanaka sees an opportunity to exact revenge by blackmailing her in the staff room. His plan succeeds, and he gains more control over the situation... As Tachibana's lust for power and vengeance intensifies, she becomes increasingly bold. This leads to a series of events where she manipulates others to satisfy her desires. Be sure to check out our exclusive distribution of 'MOUSOUZOKU', featuring Hi-Def videos starring Nymphomaniac actresses like Meari Tachibana!
某学園の絶対権力者のPTA会長として名を馳せる橘。しかし一方で学園の教師には厳しく、特にタナカ先生への理不尽さは目に余るものがあった。底辺クズでは、それ以上に自尊心が強いタナカは、とあるところで催●スマホを手に入れる。しかし、半信半疑でもあった。次の日、白昼堂々と因縁をつけにきた橘。どうやら息子のスマホについて難癖をつけにきた。見覚えのあるスマホ。タナカはこのチャンスを活かし職員室にて橘に催●を掛ける暴挙が成功。どんどん思い通りになり次第に味をしめていく…。支配欲と復讐心が増幅していく一方のタナカは…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 ライブチャット 若妻・熟女と楽しめる人妻チャット!最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『AV総合グループ【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!